Windsor, UK. August 2019.

1st PHISOS Meeting, Windsor, UK - August 2019

PHISOS is an international group of surgeons that specialize in the treatment of hand and upper limb disorders in children. Our members treat brachial plexus birth and traumatic injuries, peripheral nerve injuries, congenital differences, trauma, post-traumatic deformity, spasticity and sports injuries.

Founded in 2018, PHISOS has attracted experts in the field from around the world.

Membership is by invitation only, with members selected for their contributions to the field, collegiality and willingness to collaborate and dedication to the welfare of children.

PHISOS Founding Members, 2018.



    1. Membership is restricted to 40 people.

    2. The members must pay the biannual dues ($375) and attend either of the next 2 meetings to remain in PHISOS.

    3. Membership is by invitation only, and will be restricted to established Hand Surgeons who have a demonstrated interest and expertise in Pediatric Hand and Upper Limb Surgery and in international cooperation.

    4. Members families and significant others will be encouraged to attend the meetings.

    5. The meeting will take place every two years (3 days).

      5.1. Attempts will be made to vary the location of the meeting on a rotating basis between:

      1. Asia

      2. Europe

      3. North America

      4. South/Central America

      5. Africa

      6. Australia/New Zealand

        5.2. The business and scientific meeting will be conducted in the morning of the 3 days, and the following topics will have to be discussed: 

        1. Changes to the rules 

        2. New membership candidates

        3. New meeting location and Vice President (President elect) candidates (every two years)

        4. New Secretary and Treasurer candidates (every two years)  

        5. Ongoing research update and research ideas for cooperation

        6. Technical questions and answers / round table sessions

        7. Interactive presentations 

    6. Failure to attend the meeting twice in a row or pay the biennial dues results in automatic expulsion from PHISOS: 

      6.1. Members who are at risk of being expelled will be notified by the Secretary

      and Treasurer of their status at least six months prior to expulsion

      6.2. The expelled individual may reapply for membership and re-entry is to be

      voted upon by consensus at the current annual meeting

      6.3. Members at the biennial meeting can vote to keep somebody in PHISOS

    7. New members will be nominated at the biennial meeting and will be inducted only by consensus vote from all members present at the meeting. Every active PHISOS member has veto power. The Secretary will then notify any active members not in attendance of the current meeting of new members proposals, and they will have one week to veto any and all of the new members.

      7.1. Non active members (who have not attended either of the last two meetings

      or are not up to date with their dues at the time of the vote) do not have veto


      7.2. Only the active PHISOS members present at the biennial PHISOS meeting

      can nominate the new Council Officers and meeting location and vote on


    8. The Vice President (President elect) is responsible for organizing the following meeting, with the help of the Council. The meeting will usually be organized in the Country of the Vice President.

      8.1. If the President or Vice President are unable to fulfill their duties, the

      responsibility falls to the President and Vice President to nominate a


      8.2. First time attendees are not eligible to be President. They can suggest a

      location but have to find a surrogate President if elected.

      8.3. The Vice President can use an event planner to organize the meeting if

      required, at his/her discretion.

    9. Council Officers for 2024-2026: 

      Aaron Berger: President and 2024 Meeting Chairman

      Takehiko Takagi: Vice President and 2026 Meeting Chairman

      Maxim Horwitz: Secretary

      Dan Zlotolow, Aaron Daluiski: Treasurers

      Lorenzo Garagnani, Massimo Corain: Past Presidents (advisors)

    10. At the end of any two-year term:

      10.1. The Council of PHISOS will include President, Vice President, Secretary,

      Treasurer(s) and Past Presidents (advisors)

      10.2. A member can only be President every 10 years and prior Presidents have

      the option to decline the presidency

    11. Membership dues are collected every two years:

      11.1. Biennial dues are $375 (USD)

      11.2. Dues will be spent to subsidize the costs of PHISOS including website,

      PHISOS running costs, PHISOS scientific events and venues booking

      fees/day delegate costs for the scientific sessions, and some social and

      networking events for the PHISOS members and their families and significant

      others, to keep a minimum balance of $2000 (USD)

      11.3. Dues payments must be up to date to attend the meeting

Thank you to our Meetings Sponsors!




The PHISOS Logo is subject to Copyright law (PHISOS Logo concept & design: Lorenzo Garagnani, Dan Zlotolow, Marisa Mancini)